HomeBlogHeatmap Your Tools To Forge Your Own.

Heatmap Your Tools To Forge Your Own.

There are many ways to do a job.

But which one is best for you?

Photo by Rodrigo Chablé

People will have perspectives and ‘magic bullets’ from their experiences that worked for them.

So we get excited and adopt their tool/framework/notion template/excel sheet etc. only to find we are maybe 45% effective in using the tool for the job?

Once we have used the tool over time will we come to a new understanding of its value.

I was inspired by this situation because I too have experienced the same issue of adopting many tools, frameworks, etc from smart people, although not achieving the outcome I wanted.

It wasn’t that the tools were not effective. They probably are however, I came to realize a new idea that combined what I know from technology analytics with how I saw the tools I was adopting.

The concept of the heat map.

What are heatmaps in tech?

  • Visual illustration of where people click or gravitate towards as high usage areas on websites or apps
  • Colour is used to illustrate denser darker high volume areas

The use case for heatmaps for engineers and companies is to analyze where the majority of users interact on a website or app.

By understanding why a user would click a button or scroll to a section of a page, engineers can improve the overall experience.

From this analogy, I applied the same thinking to how I engage with my tools.

Because for every framework, notion template, excel sheet, or website I used — I analyzed where majority of my interaction went.

The high volume areas upon reflection were where I found some value in.

Knowing what added value to me, gave me permission to delete or ignore the rest of the template, excel sheet, or web content.

If I wasn’t using it, then no point occupying mental space in my day.

From this experience I believe that many resources created by talented people are great, however, are unique to working in the creator’s flow.

Each time I combined the frameworks together it felt dysfunctional, like switching into another person’s mind.

Hence, instead of adopting other people’s templates at once, I took the best from each that worked for me and evolved them into my own framework.

Now I have a framework that suits my workflow and is customized to how I think and create.

The point is you can double down on what works for you, evolve and learn from others, to forge your own.

Qasim Aaron
Qasim Aaron
I write to share my perspective to the world. My philosophy is, the more I boldly commit to my authentic self, the more I am able to grow and lift others. I share my lessons on performance and philosophy in how to build a lifestyle by design.

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