Qasim Aaron

I write to share my perspective to the world. My philosophy is, the more I boldly commit to my authentic self, the more I am able to grow and lift others. I share my lessons on performance and philosophy in how to build a lifestyle by design.

Headwinds of Life

In a country, in the middle east, a grand structure stood. Filled within the structure were ice and snow, elements not native to the climate...

I Failed at 3 startups in 5 years. Here are the 6 lessons I learned

In my 5 years, spent in the technology startup realm I faced tough but necessary lessons. I would not have traded any of these experiences...

I am hosting 3 different guests in 2 weeks – A not so easy reflection

Lately I have been hosting many people in my home. All from different parts of my life, that have contributed to my story. When one would...

Heatmap Your Tools To Forge Your Own.

There are many ways to do a job. But which one is best for you? People will have perspectives and ‘magic bullets’ from their experiences that...

What Writing for 30 Days Taught Me

It's that time. With gratitude and accomplishment, I have completed my 30day writing challenge goal. I started the challenge to improve my writing while also building digital leverage...

Forget Morning routines. Have Bedtime rituals

I have read countless morning routine articles claiming ‘there secret routine sauce.’ The thing is, they all feel the same because all of them include...

Changing Seasons, Changing Thoughts.

"Really?" "Yes every year we drive to see the change of leaves" Said my new friends from over the border to see the change in colors...

Solo Wolf is a Myth

For so long I have been working hard on myself by myself. Reading, analyzing, reflecting, and pondering on how to improve. Forming goal plans and executing,...

Call me Ignorant

Someone asked me the other day about the death of the Queen. I replied, "Oh shes dead? I don't really care anyways" There was an alarmed expression...